Install CLI


hkubectl is HKube command line tool.

hkubectl [type] [command] [name]

# More information
hkubectl --help


Download hkubectl latest version.

# Check release page for latest version
export latestVersion="$(curl -s | grep -oP '"tag_name": "\K(.*)(?=")')"
curl -Lo hkubectl${latestVersion}/hkubectl-linux \
&& chmod +x hkubectl \
&& sudo mv hkubectl /usr/local/bin/

For mac replace with hkubectl-macos For Windows download hkubectl-win.exe

Config hkubectl with your running Kubernetes.

# Config
hkubectl config set endpoint ${KUBERNETES-MASTER-IP}

hkubectl config set rejectUnauthorized false

Make sure kubectl is configured to your cluster.

HKube requires that certain pods will run in privileged security permissions, consult your Kubernetes installation to see how it's done.

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